May 12, 2012

Governor Gary Johnson: “I need to be in the national presidential debates in order to win the Presidency”

In an interview with New Agora journalists Professor Wall and Info Crusader, former New Mexico Governor and eventual Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson was asked, in response to an article on which forecast his potential to win the presidency in November 2012, what it would take for him to become the 45th president of the United States.

“The pie in the sky scenario for me is, being the (Libertarian) nominee number one, I hope to be the nominee, but secondly would be polling at 15% and being in the national debates for President of the United States against Obama and Romney. Thats, in my opinion, how anything could happen if that happened. But thats really key to having anything potentially happen” said Johnson.

In response to inquiries for his opinion on executive orders 10995, 10999 and 11000, which were issued by President John F. Kennedy during the Cold War, and allowed the Federal Government to seize and control the communications media and food supplies and to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision, Johnson responded with surprise and some dismay.

“I wasn’t even aware of those” he said, “It sounds terrible, sounds horrible” he continued, going on to explain that they had a negative impact on the American people because “We are going further and further down the path of less civil liberties and when you have a government capable of taking over food supplies, what does that mean? You are going to be restricted potentially from getting food or if you are not going to be restricted, what are you going to have to do in order to receive your food from the government? No, this is scary. This is really scary. People should be outraged!”

He also added that as President “I would probably issue my share of executive orders, but it would be executive orders restricting government from doing all of those things.”

In regards to his campaign's efforts to become the viable third party alternative to the Republicans and Democrats over former Congressman Virgil Goode of the Constitution Party and former Governor Buddy Roemer of the Reform Party, Johnson stated that he would run on his record rather then seek endorsements. Citing the experience he had gained while running for Governor of New Mexico, he pointed out that he had not sought any endorsements during his campaigns for governor and had instead run on his record and been elected both times. He did add however, that he would welcome endorsements if any were to be given to him.

When Johnson was asked about whether he would potentially be willing to step aside and help unite the Liberty movement behind Ron Paul if Paul were to become a candidate under any label, Republican or third party, in the general election, Johnson re-emphasized the point he had been making since leaving the Republican Party to run in the Libertarian Party.

“One of my credos when it comes to politics is being reality-based and I just don’t think any of the above is going to happen” said Johnson. When asked in a follow-up question if Ron Paul would be considered for a cabinet position in a potential Gary Johnson presidential administration, Johnson was skeptical about the possibility even arising, but remained open to it.

“I go back to my experience as Governor of New Mexico. There was not one single commitment that I made to anybody for a job. It was all, apply for the job and I’m going to conduct an interview process. I don’t see Ron Paul as playing second fiddle to anybody and so, just the reality of Ron Paul, what he’s done, I don’t think he’s going to have any interest in a cabinet position and if he does, you know, terrific, we’ll deal with that if that actually comes into play.”

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